Residual Income

Thursday, January 13, 2011

RE: A Goal-Setting Secret For Struggling Internet Marketers

On my main Blog I have written a new post to let those that "kinda know me" really get a chance to know the story behind my journey of how I got to where I am today and what decisions I had made to get me here.


Here are just a few of the responses I have received already...

Wow! Angie!! That is beautiful!

I am so glad that I met you and took the opportunity to work with you.
I also spent a lot of time "trying to learn the ropes", and finally I know that I have found "my Passion".
So many of the friends I have made online are Canadians. You really are wonderful people!!

It sounds like things continue to move forward, so happy for you!!

May we both know that 2011 will be a "record year" in SO many ways for us!


Hi Angie
That's inspiring!! Thank you


Thank you for sharing Angie!


You have always been amazing, a beautiful person inside and out! I'm so happy to be on your team. Thanks for all the time you've spent helping me "learn the ropes"



If you'd like to read A Goal-Setting Secret For Struggling Internet Marketers Click here.


Please leave a comment after reading my story and share with me YOUR story!

May we all experience and enjoy even the smallest amounts off successes along the way!


Angie Mitchell

Sunday, November 7, 2010

12 Second Commute Members, You Have To Read This Post!

12 Second Commute Faux Pas

I have been a Charter Member of 12 Second Commute since inception. At one point I had requested a change in my Username, within 24 hours I went from bt79828 to AngieMitchell.

I was happy as a pig in (you know what!)

I never gave bt79828 another thought. I had a new member join my team and he informed me that one of my tracking links was not going to my 12SC affiliate links. I checked it and it took me to what I thought was one of my pages that did not include a picture and contact information of myself.

So I left it alone.

This is a portion of his first email to me:

Hi Angie,

blah, blah, blah…

“On another note… it seems to me that you are loosing referrals in your 12SC business… your url doesn’t point to your affiliate link… try visit other people 12SC affiliate link and then visit … you will see their name in the sign-up page.”

All the best, XYZ

I assured him that everything was kosher and not to worry.

My new found friend was insistent that it was not linked to me. So I checked it out again and it did the same thing. I was starting to think he was a bit confused.

This morning he sent me another email:

“I’ll contact you today via skype, you are loosing sales in 12SC!”

So again I go and check, I cleared my cookies and my cache and refreshed the link….. AH HA!


I saw a totally different affiliate page than I saw the first 2 times, this time I saw pictures and contact info of other members.

I cleared all history and did this a few more times… I saw multiple 12 Second Commute Charter members pages.

I did not realize that if you change your Username, your old links attached to your old Username will become “floaters” and act as a giant rotator for all the Members of 12SC!

I had assumed that the system would automatically make the switch.

NO, NO, NO… It does not.

So for the past 7 months some of the Members here at 12SC may have gotten signups and benefited from my hard work to some extent, let me be the first to say Congratulations if you have…

I actually contacted a few of my close contacts and discussed my concern, I had boiled it down and explained it off as “an extended silly season.”

Needless to say, (after almost blacking out) I went through all of my old affiliate tracking links and made the correction.

I ended up changing 19 tracking links that had a combined count of over 10,000 hits and a few of those had a boat load of traffic going to them to boot!

Am I pissed?

Not at all… I look at it as I’ve done my good deed for the next 5 years ;)

Even after this BROBDINGNAGIAN faux pas, I wanted to share something that has been very valuable to me and a few other people I know.

You can take it or you can leave it, but I have spent many hundreds of dollars and a countless number of hours to learn certain skills that have benefited me (you have to be willing to do that sometimes if you want to be successful.)

But these reports won’t cost you even a scrooge penny.

I have 7 free reports for those that want them from a man I have learned A LOT from (no, it’s not Jim Roche )


To your continued success,
Angie Mitchell

Tell me, what would your reaction have been?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Earn More Money Using Incentive Programs

Earn More Money With Incentive Programs

Watch this short 2:53 Video and just give it some serious thought...

If you want to increase sales, studies prove it takes up to seven or more exposures before potential customers make a purchase but if you are giving away something of value to them free, likely it won’t take that many.

Most marketers and ordinary people like you and I have realized in order to fully maximize their benefits from sales and traffic you need to give before you can expect to receive. In other words, you need high quality incentives and software to often times take your business to the next level. Showing people that you are willing to offer them something so valuable will demonstrate that you are not just another pushing, desperate, just looking to make a sale Internet marketer.

To Read More ==> Incentive Programs – A Marketing Strategy Magnet Perfect for List Building


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Find Out How To Squeeze The Most Out Of Online Marketing Tools And Earn Residual Income

Find Out How To Squeeze The Most Out Of Online Marketing Tools And Earn Residual Income

Let me start off by saying online marketing tools are designed to help you market and mangae an online business. Sometimes there is some sort of affiliate program so you will be able to earn residual income from home while using these tools, but the intent should be to get you the tools and resources you need to build and manage your current business then offer the tools to the other people you come into contact with that have an online business.

If you do not yet have a business to promote but you want to find one, I can help you there as well because we as a group can guide you through the steps to find a program and since I am not affiliated with many other programs but do have online experience, I can show and tell you objectively what to look for and what to avoid.

There is no reason why you couldn't just use the tools and the tools alone as your business and peomote them other Internet marketers because if anyone working online wants to be successful they are going realize sooner or later that they are going to have to invest in business tools.

Whether you are just starting out or you are a seasoned veteran, those who use tools quickly become the veterans that achieve the results they are looking for.

The bottom line of working online is that you need specific tools to run and manage your business.

Some of the tools you need to work online are:

  • Autoresponder
  • Ad and Link Tracker
  • Capture Page Creator
  • URL Rotator
  • Contact Manager
  • Conference Center (not mandatory but awesome if it's included.)

Training and support are also extrememly valuable so you can easily learn how to use these mandatory online marketing tools if you are going to succeed and earn residual income. Yes, they are mandatory and whether you take a free trial for me or someone else, if you are going to succeed, you must have them and have the support and training available to you. Nobody likes to be left in the dark, wondering "OK, now what?"

I have to tell you that the reason I chose these specific tools is because I had previous experience with the creator of the tools and know what kind of business person he is but equally important to me was that they were all in one place, all of the tools are 100% ad free and are all not only extremely powerful but also easy to use.

New features are being introduced quite often and the most recent one is a Clickbank Mall... I can login and promote Clickbank products without ever leaving my backoffic.

This really sets these online tools apart from everyone else on the Internet. Plus you get a free 30 day trial and access to training conferences where you can freely as questions or watch the prerecorded training videos at your leisure.

So this is how to squeeze the most out of online marketing tools and earn residual income.

Angie Mitchell is a full time entrepreneur and found a marketing strategy that works and enjoys teaching others an easier, less expensive way to market and manage an online business.

Are you interested in earning a residual income, Internet business and learning how to use online marketing tools in your online business? Are you sick of "gurus" trying to sell you the latest get rich quick online deal?

Getting educated, is the key to real online wealth.

Read quality articles on tools, tips and techniques - Visit my blog: High Performance Online Marketing Tools

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Free Gas Savings Tips ~ I Get Free Gas .. Ask Me How Submitted by Jim Roche NJ

If you want to Save Money on the things you buy every day. Receive Free Gas, Dining, and Shopping Cards, and make 100% Commissions your first week, Join The Savings Highway Today!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Horse Head In Your Bed? | Angie Mitchell | 12 Second Commute

Something happened to me today and I just can't make myself feel better about the situation. For those of you in 12 Second Commute or for anybody involved with Internet Marketing for that matter, I want you to know that things like this do happen and will continue to happen as long as there is life.


The reason I'm so upset about what I'm about to tell you is because it has never happened to me before... until sometime last night. I like to think that I'm a different kind of internet marketer, actually I don't like to think of myself as an Internet Marketer because for me it has a bit of a negative connotation, it makes me think of a person who is trying to "sell" something, someone who has dollar signs in their eyes.

Although I'm in business to make money, I don't want to "sell" to people, I want to help enhance their business and in turn enhance their life.

I will tell you this, there is no better feeling in the world than knowing that I played some small part in helping someone else attain success no matter how small or large that success becomes.

I have done everything in my power to help or direct the people on my 12 Second Commute team and I see us all as equals, we all want the same things, we are all just at different points in the "game" and as long as we are moving forward at a slow and steady pace, I know we will win the race.

I'm rambling.

I could go on and on...

But, I want to warn you in advance if you ever join my 12 Second Commute team, I won't call it a "downline" because that's negative to me as well, if you are ever on my team, I'm going to be the biggest pain in the ass sponsor you will ever have because I want you to succeed. Even if you give up on yourself, I won't!

Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, the very first person to join my 12 Second Commute team QUIT! I have turned myself inside out, upside down and backwards to reach out. It started off so well, then turned into nothing at all. But I kept trying and giving... leaving her to her business but letting her know I was still there.

I got nothing in return. Sure she had a good following of her own, they are also on my team but that's not the point.

I lost one.

For me, it doesn't mater who's team you're on, if I can help I will.

My good friend Jim Roche NJ has always told me "don't get too high and don't get too low" I guess I feel this way because I care so much. I feel as though I have failed. I prided myself knowing that not a single person that has joined me has left... until today.

I know the old saying goes "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make em drink" well I'm sure as hell going to try! (The image I have in my head is arms and legs wrapped around the horses neck, while hanging over a puddle of water trying desperately to get his head down.)

You are not invited to my pity party, the bar is closed... time to go home.

I love Art Williams and needed a little motivation and so might you.

Here is Art's 2 part video.

Angie "die hard" Mitchell
List Building Tools
Skype ID: angiebt79828

angie mitchell, 12 second commute, art williams, team, jim roche nj

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Business Building Online Marketing Tools | Angie Mitchell Submitted by Angie Mitchell

The fastest way to building a business is to give away something of value. Not something you think is valuable; something your target market thinks is valuable.

This approach has been around for centuries and it works just as well now as it did back then.

Give real value without asking for compensation. Make people feel good, when they get that feeling without spending any money, they're going to remember it.

You have to know what your customers and prospects are looking for, and you need to find a way to get it for them without consuming too much of your resources.

What can you do?

No matter what business you're building, you have knowledge and resources that is of value to your customers. Capture some of it and put it into a nice format, make it look appealing. Then give it away.

When they come back, they'll feel a whole lot better about spending money with you because you have already done your part — you gave them something they found value in and asked for nothing in return.

"There is a secret psychology to money," says T. Harv Eker, internationally known speaker and author of 11 top-selling books and courses, "Most people don't know about it, that's why most people never reach their financial potential."

Eker explains, "Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world! A lack of money is not a problem, it is merely a symptom of what's going on underneath! The fastest and only way to permanently change your financial situation on the outside, is to first change it on the inside." T. Harv Eker

I'm not psychic and I'm no genius but give me 5 minutes, and I'm pretty sure I can predict your financial future! How? By identifying your financial and success blueprint.

We all have a financial and success blueprint already ingrained in our subconscious. It's extremely important to recognize what your own financial blueprint is set for. Is it success, mediocrity or failure, struggle or ease, high or low earnings, consistent or inconsistent income, spending or saving, picking winning investments or picking losers?

One way is to look at your results!

If you keep doing the same over and over chances are you will keep getting the same results.

If the temperature in a room is 68 degrees, chances are the thermostat is set for 68. Regardless of whether you are making $25,000 or $400,000 per year, unless you raise your 'internal financial blueprint' you will never substantially raise your income or net worth.

Unfortunately for most people, your current blueprint will stay with you for the rest of your life, unless you identify it and change it.

If you have a home based business or work online doing internet marketing there is a powerful, suite of online marketing tools that will do just that. Change the way you manage and market your business, be it online or offline.

With this particular set of online tools you will learn how to completely recondition yourself for financial freedom.

For some people, the change will happen very quickly for others not so much. That depends on you. You determine how successful you will become.

There is absolutely no lack of training and support with this marketing and opportunity service. As long as you are ready and willing to succeed, take advantage of the what you are being offered and put your plan into action… if you can do that then you are moving in the right direction.

There is simply nothing else offered like this.

Mentoring, training, marketing and advertising plus the tools to make it all happen. The people involved go above and beyond. If that sounds like something you could use then I'd urge you to get started.

Take initiative of your finances and your future. If you like what you see and can see how this is only going to take your business to the next level, I'd like to speak with you.

I'm going to give you something of value and I'm going to give you 30 days to see this value… business tools!

Business Building Tools

Angie is a Mentor, Coach, Copywriter, Article Marketer, Blogger and a Sponsor who is willing and able to help you succeed to make things happen.